Søren Nielsen

New album out April 19, 2025

Camilla Skjærbæk has done a wonderful job on the cover art for this one. It’s based on the tattoo I got on my left arm in April 24 in NYC. Now it’s on the cover of my next album.

Music is out April 19th 2025 on Spotify and other streaming services.


Solo records

The compositions for this album came into being on a trip to Boston and New York in September 2013. I dedicated this month of travels to going to concerts, reflecting and writing music. I knew I wanted to play several of the compositions that this trip would bring with the legendary Danish guitarist Knud Møller. I arrived home with 18 sketches which was then boiled down to six songs recorded with my band and Knud. My trip to the US became not only a physical journey, but a musical one and reminded me just how much time and place plays into any tune.

Curb Your Dog is a glimpse taken out of the city’s stream of signs and words. Those three words call for the citizens to keep track of their dogs - and everything they leave behind. However, in those three words I found a larger image; an image of the city which needs to keep an order so that its thousands of humans and animals (not to mention pictures, sounds and smells) do not merge into a great overwhelming chaos. This recording aimed for exactly that: Avoiding chaos, but capturing contrasts and giving them life and permission to step ahead side by side. This album is meant to give space to both beauty and its opposite,  not only across the different tracks on the album, but from the beginning and end of each composition.

This album I recorded in the summer of 2018. I went to Los Angeles to record an album with my old guitar hero, Adam Levy. I first met Adam at the 55 Bar (NYC) the year before, we got to talk and decided to make some music together. What you hear on this album is how we sounded on that particular very warm summer day in California.

This album features Adam Levy, Knud Møller and many more good friends. It’s a collection of music recorded over six years in Los Angeles and Hedensted in Jylland (DK)

Six solo tracks recorded in the legendary studio where David Bowie, U2 and Depeche Mode among others also have made music. The sound of Berlin particularly comes through on the tracks where the studio’s famous drum machine is used.

Buttercop Bonfire

This band is only a studio band, which means we never play live concerts. The band only exists during recording sessions, which takes place in Lundgaard Studios. We often go in with 12-16 songs and record them in 2 days time.


This is a songwriting project with my friend, Anna Ilsøe where R&B meets country music. We mix Anna’s soulful voice with my sometimes twangy guitar. An ongoing project where we always have new songs in the works.


With the powerful energy from rock, the curly lines from jazz mixed with country music stories and longing - Lloyd is trying to create new music. Great tones inspirered by movies and art. From David Lynch to The Shining - guitars gattered into a soundcape of mystic and abstract noise. Lloyd lingers upon the idea of grabing the inspiration in the air.